Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 7/22/24

Year: 2024


“COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty” published twice in a year but this number can be changed in accordance with the decision of the “Editorial Board”. Firstly, articles shall be subjected to prior review by the “Editor in Chief”. The “Editorial Board” is entitled to reject the articles not intended to be published in the journal. Articles have been taken into consideration are sent to two different potential reviewers for peer-reviewing. Acceptance of the articles for publication in accordance with the opinions of reviwers along with the final decision of the "Editorial Board".  The publication order, acceptance and arrival dates of articles taking into account are determined by the "Editorial Board" of journal.

Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, “COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty” is a peer-reviewed, double-blind international scientific journal (ISSN: 2147-8384) dedicated to publish high quality original research papers related to different fields of agricultural, forestry and veterinary sciences. Our journal publishes, but not limited to, the following topic areas;

  • Soil Science

  • Horticulture

  • Crop Science

  • Agricultural Biotechnology

  • Entomology

  • Plant Pathology

  • Plant Physiology

  • Veterinary Sciences

  • Animal Sciences

  • Agricultural Engineering

  • Agricultural Machinery

  • Post-harvest Technology

  • Genetic Engineering

  • Plant Breeding

  • Agricultural Development

  •  Agricultural Economics

  •  Sustainable Agriculture

  • Organic Agriculture

Authors Guidelines

1. COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty only publishes research articles. Review articles are not accepted in this journal.

2. A minimum of two-year research study is taken into consideration for publication in terms of plant production.

3. The Abstract and Keywords must be given while uploading the article to journal's system.

4. Following documents must be uploaded to journal's system as separate files while submitting an article. Article preparation should be based on the Template given in 'b' section. Click on here to download the 'Article Template'.

a) For Cover Letter, click here...

b) For Template, click here... (without authors information)

c) For Copyright Form, click here... (signed by all authors)

d) Accepted similarity rate for the journal is 24% (excluding References) using iThenticate. The articles that similarity rate is higher than 24% are not consider for publication and returned to the authors(s).

e) Article Check List

f) Ethical Approval (for researches involving animals or humans)

Articles with missing forms and information in journal's system will not be entertained/evaluated, and the articles can be returned, even if, the article has been evaluated.

5. Interventional studies involving animals or humans, and other studies require Ethical Approval and it is mandatory to list the authority that provided approval and the corresponding Ethical Approval Code. For research involving human research participants, authors must identify the committee approving the research, and include with their submission a statement confirming that informed consent was obtained from all participants.

Articles should not exceed 20 pages and page margin should be prepared as 2.5 cm on each side. However, the number of pages can be increased in case of especially, specified by the corresponding author with the permission of 'Editorial Board'. Paragraphs should be started with a space of 1.25 cm. 

An article must consist of the following main headings submitted for publication in the journal;

·         Title

·         Author (s) Information

·         Abstract

·         Keywords

·         Introduction

·         Materials and Methods

·         Results and Discussion (may also be submitted separately)

·         Conclusions

·         Acknowledgments

·         References

Title:   The first page should contain the full title in sentence case not exceeding 20 words. The first letter of each word in the title should be capitalized. The title must be written using ‘Times New Roman’ 14 font size, bold, single-spaced and justified.

Author (s) Information: The full names of the authors (without specifying designation) should be written using ‘Times New Roman’, 11 font size, bold, single-spaced and center-justified on the page, and the first letter of author (s)  first and last names should be capitalized. The mailing and email addresses of the author (s) must be cited exponentially with the number on the end of the last character of the last names. Authors’ addresses and the email address of the corresponding author should be written just below the names of author (s) as a footnote using ‘Times New Roman’, 9 font size and left-justified.

 Abstract:  Each of Turkish and English abstracts should not exceed 200 words. English abstract title should be written using 'Times New Roman', 12 font sizes and single-spaced as center-justified. Turkish and English abstracts should be prepared using 'Times New Roman’, 10 font size and single-spaced as justified type. Article in Turkish should be included to a comprehensive abstract in English as to the article in English with a comprehensive abstract in Turkish.

 Keywords: The first letters of each keyword should be capitalized following small letters written in the same language of abstract as left-justified. Keywords should not exceed 6 words.

 Introduction: This section should provide information on importance of the problem and clear objective of the study. It must highlight background of the problem in the light of recent literature, hypothesis to be tested and objectives. All subsections and the text should be written using 'Times New Roman', 11 font size and single-spaced as justified type.

 Materials and methods: All procedures, analytical methods, experimental design and preliminary materials should be to the point and explicit. This part should also contain sufficient detail so that all procedures can be repeated. It can be divided into subsections if several methods are described, and all subsections and the text should be written using 'Times New Roman', 11 font size and single-spaced as justified type.

 Results and Discussion: This section may each be divided by subheadings or may be combined. The results from the experiment including their statistical detail should be presented graphically or in table form. In this section, results obtained should be recorded in text form and table data should not be repeated. Detailed discussion with relevant references preferably most recent citation should be included. Discussion should be logical and reflecting the originality of the contribution and findings discussed in the light of most recent literature. All subheadings and the text should be written using 'Times New Roman', 11 font size and single-spaced as justified type.

 Conclusions: This section should be brief and clearly explain the essence of the work highlighting its importance and relevance. It should be written using 'Times New Roman', 11 font size and single-spaced as justified type.

 Acknowledgments: If necessary, it should be as short as possible. All acknowledgments should be written using 'Times New Roman', 9 font size and single-spaced as justified type.

 References: References should be provided at the end of the article alphabetically based on the authors' last names in its original language with a space of 1.25 cm. All references should be written using 'Times New Roman', 10 font size and single-spaced as justified type.

 List of references should be arranged in the following style:-

 Journal articles

Tonguc, M., Erbas, S., 2012. Evaluation of fatty acid compositions and seed characters of common wild plant species of Turkey. Turk. J. Agric. 36: 673–679.

Tuna, M., Vogel, K.P., Arumuganathan, K., Gill, K.S., 2001. DNA content and polity determination of brome grass germ plasm accessions by flow cytometry. J. Crop Sci. 41: 1629–1634.

Dardeniz, A., Gokbayrak, Z., Muftuoglu, N.M., Turkmen, C., Beser, K., 2008. Cane quality determination of 5BB and 140Ru grape rootstocks.  Europ. J. Hortic. Sci. 73 (6): 254–258.


Shredin, J., White, E.B., 2009. Application of Probiotics in Poultry Production. 1st  Ed. McNamara, New York, USA.

Dole, J.M., Wilkins, H.F., 2005. Floriculture: Principles and Species. 2nd Ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA: Prentice Hall.

Conference proceedings

Dobermann, A., 2007. Nutrient use efficiency–measurement and management. In: Krauss A, Isherwood K, Heffer P, editors. Proceedings of the IFA International Workshop on Fertilizer Best Management Practices, 7–9 March 2007; Brussels, Belgium. Paris, France: International Fertilizer Industry Association, pp. 1–28.


Tefon, B.E., 2012. Towards whole cell immune proteome and sub proteomes of Bordetella pertussis. PhD Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.


If information is taken from any web page on internet (except articles taken from internet and published in journals), the complete address of web site and acquisition date must be written in reference section, and it should be named as “Anonymous”.

 Figure and Tables

All illustrations (photographs, drawings, graphs, etc.), not including tables, must be labelled “Figure.” Figures must be neat, clear and according to the offset printing technique while the photographs must be in TIFF or JPEG format. Each table and figure should be cited after referring to the text.

All tables and figures should be cited in a consecutive order throughout the paper (Table 1., Figure 1.). Figures and tables must be located within the writing portion.  Table titles should be justified on its upper side as to the figure captions just below the figures. The font used in table and figure headings should be ‘Times New Roman’, 10 font size but not written bold.  Tables and figures, including caption, title, column heads, and footnotes should be no smaller than 8 font size. The tables and figures themselves should be given at the end of the text only, after the references, not in the running text.

 Symbols and Abbreviations

Abbreviations and symbols used in the text first time should be described. Abbreviations must not be used in the title and subheadings of the article.


Formulas should be in consecutive order and the number of formula should be shown beside itself as right-justified.

Publication Ethics
1. COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty (ISSN: 2147–8384) is an international scientific research journal started its publication life in May 2013. Our journal is a double-blind refereed and internationally indexed journal that has been published regularly twice (June and December) per year in the fields of agriculture, forestry, food and veterinary sciences since 2013. All articles submitted for publication are evaluated by the editor, advisory board and referees. The core practices are the policies and practices of our journal and publisher are according to the publication policies of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). 

2. Our journal publishes only original research articles in Turkish and English languages. But preference is given to those articles which full texts are written in English.

3. Articles submitted for publication are evaluated by two referees in their initial stages. It is given by the decision of acceptance-rejection. The articles that are not deemed sufficient should be developed in line along with the referee recommendations. After the revision, studies that are not considered scientifically adequate are rejected without explanation.

4. It is obligatory that the articles have not been published elsewhere before or sent to any journal for publication. For the articles sent to our journal, it is mandatory to fill in and send the signed Copyright Form.
5. All responsibility of the works belongs to the corresponding author of the article. Works should be prepared in accordance with internationally accepted scientific ethical rules. For clinical and experimental animal studies that require an ethics committee decision, ethical committee approval must be obtained and documented separately.
6. The articles submitted to our journal for publication are evaluated by using the ‘iThenticate’, similarity checking program before proceedings of articles. The submission is rejected if the similarity rate would be high or if quotation is not made in accordance with academic rules.
7. Accepted similarity rate for our journal is not exceeded of 24%, excluding references section (iThenticate). The articles that similarity rate is higher than 24% are not consider for publication.
8. The articles submitted for publication in our journal should be prepared according to the writing rules of our journal given in Authors’ Guidelines section.

9. The submitted articles should not be exceeded more than 15 pages along with references.

10. The necessary changes should be made by the author and resubmitted within 30 days after the minor revision, 45 days after the major revision, and 60 days after the revision required to be rewritten.
11. Only the corresponding author can make contact with the Editorial Board of the journal via e-mail in case of any query or problem faced during and after the publication of article to our journal.

COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty doesn't charge article processing charges (APC) from the author or institution under any name. Processing and publication of all articles are free of charge with the journal. There is no article processing charges or submission fees for any submitted or accepted article. The all published articles of this journal are totally free of charge for all readers and authors.